
- -  Agape Youth Fellowship - -

All youth grades 2-12 are invited, church attendee or not, to participate in our youth fellowship program.  If you are a youth interested in participating, please talk to your parents and please feel free to contact Pastor Rev. David Tietje or Liza Bacon for more information.

Agape Youth Fellowship meets the second Sunday of each month during the Worship Service. 

- - Summer Church Camp - -

A variety of summer camps and educational programs are offered through the Penn Central Conference. Scholarships are available from St. John’s for those who qualify.  Visit for further program details.

- - Youth Consistory Member - -

Consistory meets the second Tuesday of each month in the Shoemaker Conference Room.  A confirmed Youth member is nominated and elected to serve a one-year term as youth delegate to the governing body of the church. Youth delegates have full voting rights.